Friday, August 7, 2009

Veteran with Gulf War Illness airs graphic video about his condition

Written by Anthony Hardie, 91outcomes

( - Friday, August 7, 2009) -- An Indiana veteran of the 1991 Gulf War has publicly released a groundbreaking video regarding his personal experience with Gulf War Illness.

"Dale," an Indianapolis, Ind. veteran, who goes by an online name of
The Alpha Dale, posted the graphic, home-shot video on the Internet on August 5. The video includes panning and close-ups of his persistent skin rashes and cut-aways to on-screen text narration providing a broader context of his experiences with Gulf War illness.

"Having Gulf War Illness, affects every aspect of my life," says Dale in the video's opening text narrative. "Until recently, I like most veterans, have been to [sic] embarrassed and shamed into feeling bad about letting others know that I am ill."

This video can also be viewed online on YouTube.

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Unknown said...

I am a veteran as well. I have ulcer like outbreaks. Right now, on my hand. I've never known what might be the cause of them. But I wasn't in the Gulf War, I was in Iraq. I've seen other veterans with similar skin issues and I definitely think their is a connection here. Too many coincidences to be otherwise. I'm greatful for your post and bringing this much needed issue into the light.

Chestypuller said...

If you were in the middle east Iraq Kuwait Saudi you probably been exposed to all the toxins I got fibro from sarin gas in the gulf War and ibs and this and that, good luck getting help from the VA

Chestypuller said...

Middle east deployment = exposed to horrible stuff, I got fibro from gulf