Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Wide Spectrum of Fibromyalgia Symptoms, a Presumptive Condition for Gulf War veterans

Written by Groshan Fabiola

(GrupoCompostela Health University) - Fibromyalgia is a complex neurological disorder with a pronounced chronic character. Although the most common symptoms generated by fibromyalgia are generalized pain and fatigue, the disorder can cause many other manifestations. Most people with the disorder have a wide diversity of physical symptoms that evolve latently, rarely becoming visible.

Due to the fact that most fibromyalgia symptoms can't be detected by medical examinations, some people consider the disorder to be self-induced.   However, the truth is that fibromyalgia is a serious condition and its symptoms are real.

Most people with fibromyalgia complain about ongoing pain felt throughout the entire body. This primary symptom generated by the disorder can vary in intensity from a person to another and it is usually associated with a generalized state of fatigue and body weakness. Fibromyalgia pain is felt deep within the muscles, bones and joints and it can sometimes become very intense, taking over the entire body.

Most people affected by fibromyalgia also experience muscular stiffness and poor mobility of the joints. Although medical examinations can't reveal the presence of physical abnormalities in people with fibromyalgia, most physical symptoms are very similar to those generated by rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis.

Apart from these common symptoms of fibromyalgia, people with the disorder may also experience sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal problems or urinary problems. People with fibromyalgia often suffer from insomnia or sleep apnea. Even when they get enough sleep, people affected by fibromyalgia may still have a pronounced feeling of fatigue. Many people with fibromyalgia also suffer from paresthesia, experiencing sensations of numbness and tingling in the muscles.

Although the specific causes of fibr9myalgia Fibromyalgia Symptomsremain unknown, it is believed that the disorder occurs on the premises of increased nervous excitability. Medical scientists believe that most of the symptoms generated by fibromyalgia are the result of neurological dysfunctions that determine the nervous system to perceive external stimuli at a higher intensity than normal.

This pertinent theory can easily explain some fibromyalgia symptoms such as ongoing pain, sensations of tingling, numbness, increased sensitivity to light and increased sensitivity to temperature. This theory can also explain why the symptoms of fibromyalgia can't be effectively revealed by medical examinations. Apart from a wide range of physical symptoms, fibromyalgia also generates psychological manifestations such as depression, anxiety and sudden changes in mood, suggesting the multifaceted nature of the disorder.

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