Friday, April 15, 2011

Final list of Cosigners to the FY11 Sanders GWI CDMRP Senate Funding Dear Colleague Letter

The following is the final list of all Members of the U.S. Senate signed onto the FY11 Sanders "Dear Colleague" request to provide FY11 Gulf War Illness treatment Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) Funding:

  1. Akaka, Daniel
  2. Boxer, Barbara
  3. Brown, Sherrod
  4. Durbin, Richard
  5. Kerry, John
  6. Kohl, Herb
  7. Leahy, Patrick
  8. Murray, Patty
  9. Rockefeller, John D. IV
  10. Sanders, Bernie
  11. Schumer, Charles
  12. Snowe, Olympia
  13. Tester, Jon

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