"I ask you to please post on 91outcomes this letter RAC members sent to Secretary McDonald after the RAC meeting this week. VA staff now controls what is posted to the RAC website, so this may never see the light of day otherwise. The new Secretary should be cleaning house with the staff, not the committee. So much for promises to fix VA's lack of integrity. -- Joel Graves, Gulf War veteran member of the Research Advisory Committee, being replaced."
SOURCE: Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses (RAC), September 23, 2014
Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses
23, 2014
Honorable Robert A. McDonald
of Veterans Affairs
States Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. Secretary,
greatly appreciate your meeting with us yesterday and asking our views. We look
forward to working with you to advance research to improve the health of Gulf
War veterans.
meeting showed the need for this advisory committee to provide you the full
story on Gulf War veterans’ health. Despite twelve years of work, the committee
just yesterday, through its independent review process, noted:
VBA staff said that VA recognizes that chronic multisymptom illness and
undiagnosed illnesses are presumed to be service-connected for Gulf War
veterans. But their data show that eighty percent of these claims are denied.
OPH staff reported on a new review of diagnoses received by Gulf War veterans
who use VA facilities, which appears to show their health problems are no
different from veterans of the same period who did not deploy, but the review
does not include 75,000 Gulf War veterans who served after March 1, 1991, the
most toxic period, when oil well fires burned and the demolition of the
Khamisiyah nerve agent depot occurred, and does not state that VA doctors were not
trained to consider the illness a serious physical illness. The non-deployed also
include veterans who were deployed later in other operations in the same theater
and have received many of the same exposures.
OPH staff reported on a new survey of Gulf War veterans that shows higher rates
of stress and depression than previous surveys, without mentioning that the survey
was overweighted with questions on mental health and that people suffering from
chronic health problems often become depressed due to their illness after 23 years,
but it is not the cause of their
The VA press release issued after the meeting stated that “nearly 800,000 Gulf War era
Veterans are currently receiving compensation benefits for service-connected
issues”, without clarifying that for benefits purposes, the “Gulf War era”
extends from 1990 to the present, taking in all recent Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.
underscores the need for a continued independent ongoing review process. We
recommend that, for the new members you plan to appoint to the committee, you
choose scientists and veterans who are independent of VA staff and who
understand that Gulf War illness is not a mental illness, that you continue to
provide for the committee to have its own independent staff, and that you
continue to welcome the committee’s comments on all aspects of VA’s Gulf War research
Binns, chairman
A. Bunker
Crawford, PhD
Golomb, MD, PhD
Klimas, MD
O’Callaghan, PhD
Steele, PhD
White, PhD
Excellent charge for purpose of the committee's newest members, I pray they will be consistent with going forward. It will be the veterans responsibility to hold the newer members accountable for future meetings and we need to stand together. I will miss the outgoing members but if the new RAC listens to the comments made by the Secretary of VA then you will be the center of excellence for resources used by the committee. Thanks to everyone of you who are leaving you have given a good legacy every Gulf War veteran should be proud of.
ReplyDeleteI knew this was happening, they grouped us all together with the same illnesses. 1990 to present. This is why we need to come together as gulf war veterans. 4. The VA press release issued after the meeting stated that “nearly 800,000 Gulf War era Veterans are currently receiving compensation benefits for service-connected issues”, without clarifying that for benefits purposes, the “Gulf War era” extends from 1990 to the present, taking in all recent Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.